Single Mine Origin Gold: Why I switched and the unattainable search for sustainability.

It has always been my priority to run my business as ethically as possible, putting careful consideration into my processes, the materials I use and in turn the individuals and companies I work with. I’ve been using Fairtrade gold since it became available, an option which has fitted well with my ethos. However, with price rises, added administration costs and audits to contend with, I decided to begin my search into other options. The difficulty with gold is its traceability, this is what I have always loved about Fairtrade, knowing that it comes from well managed sources. 

Traditional gold refining has never taken account of where and how the material is mined, gold is melted together from different sources, many with questionable environmental and ethical practices.

It was only when reading an article in the Financial Times, about London based jeweller Emefa Cole, that I became aware of Single Mine Origin (SMO) gold. Set up by Charlie and Dan Betts, SMO gold is fully traceable to source with added investment into the environment, healthcare and education in the mining communities. Emefa has been one of the first jewellers to fully embrace the material, attracted by their ethical accreditations and the ability to trace the gold back to West Africa where she originates from.

Dan Betts from SMO says 'Traceability is the USP of SMO gold'. Unique batch codes allow the designer to find out where their gold comes from, what that mining operation does and what positive projects SMO are investing in within the mining community, giving the designer, and in turn the customer, a full picture of the ethical origins of the gold in their jewellery

With all of this in mind I am delighted to have started working with SMO gold for my designs, while continuing to re-model my customers own gold where possible. Sustainability within the jewellery industry is always going to be a tricky word, as we are taking from a finite resource, but SMO’s commitment to enrich mining communities through their health, environmental and education schemes feels like a positive impact is coming from the industry.

Click HERE to learn more about Single Mine Origin and where my gold now comes from.

I am happy to talk to clients more about this move to SMO when creating their pieces.

A x

Alison Macleod